How PIX4TEAM compares with VEO2?

What are the best features of PIX4TEAM compared with VEO2?

How is it possible that PIX4TEAM is 3 to 5 times cheaper than VEO2?

Discover the comparison table below, and feel free to ask any question to our experts.

PIX4TEAM logo w/ cameraPIX4TEAM logo w/ your smartphoneVEO2
Best image quality on the market check_circle Thanks to a real camera with an optical zoom from a big brand check_circle Stunning image quality of modern smartphones. Note that automatic zoom works with smartphones mounted on PIX4TEAM. report_problem Cropping inside the image made from 2 different cameras leads to more pixelisation and randomly light differences in the two sides of the image.
Streaming delay report_problem A few seconds of delay from the network and the website where it is streamed. For instance on Youtube it can be about 10 sec. report_problem A few seconds of delay from the network and the website where it is streamed. For instance on Youtube it can be about 10 sec. cancel About 2 minutes of delay due to the technology
It can stream anywhere
Social media, rtmp
check_circle check_circle cancel Only on the VEO app
Live streaming Free Free EU flag €480/y or €2 400/5y
US flag $828/y or $4 140/5y
No watermark on video check_circle check_circle cancel
Immediate shipping check_circle check_circle report_problem 3 weeks
Compatible with all sport analytics softwares on the market check_circle check_circle cancel VEO software
Price for 5 years EU flag €2 4681
US flag $2 4681
no monthly fees
view cart in € | view cart in $
EU flag €2 1281
US flag $2 1281
no monthly fees
view cart in € | view cart in $
EU flag €10 0401
US flag $16 3191
including 5-years monthly fees
view cart in € | view cart in $
Price for 1 year EU flag €2 4681
US flag $2 4681
view cart in € | view cart in $
EU flag €2 1281
US flag $2 1281
view cart in € | view cart in $
EU flag €3 1261
US flag $4 4631
including monthly fees
view cart in € | view cart in $
PIX4TEAM logo w/ cameraPIX4TEAM logo w/ your smartphoneVEO2

Costs are compared with accessories and options that make the 2 products as close as possible : In the carts that are shown at the end of the table, there are heavy stands with wind stabilizers, a battery and a camera are added to the PIX4TEAM robot. VEO2 goes with the "Enterprise" monthly fees because it's what PIX4TEAM can do by default: as many teams as you want can be filmed and streamed.

1 Prices are shown with tax excluded