Your Indoor & Outdoor Robots Cameramen for HORSE RIDING
PIXEM and PIXIO are auto-follow cameras that film moving targets both indoors and outdoors with a range of 100m, a fully automatic zoom and an unrivalled accuracy
Horse riding requires a lot of work and performance analysis.
Now thanks to PIXIO and PIXEM, you can film yourself and debrief later either on your own or with your riding instructor!
Uses are infinite: film your horses for sale, record great riding memories or shoot your equestrian vlogs!
The robot cameraman follows the watch, zooms in and out and all of this in indoor or outdoor arenas at 100 meters (330feet)!

Key features:
- Indoor and outdoor tracking
- Range of 330ft / 100 meters
- Designed for your smartphone and tablet, even 4k models
- Automatic ZOOM of your smartphone and tablet
- Ultra easy live streaming with the free PIXEM App
- Proven technology

Key features:
- Indoor and outdoor tracking
- Range of 330ft / 100 meters
- Designed for your third party camera (SONY, CANON)
- Tight automatic ZOOM capability
- Live streaming capability
- Proven technology