Subscription to the live streaming - zero delay service.
Unlimited use
Automatic renewal
Zero engagement, stop the subscription whenever you want
Secure payment
Visit tv.movensee for a full description of the live streaming - zero delay service
There are 7 products.
Subscription to the live streaming - zero delay service.
Unlimited use
Automatic renewal
Zero engagement, stop the subscription whenever you want
Secure payment
Visit tv.movensee for a full description of the live streaming - zero delay service
a PIXEM 2 extra robot (no watch nor beacons), a multi cable to control SONY cameras (other models available on the online store), a smartphone/tablet holder, charger with the plugs for your country of delivery.
Enjoy 10% off on the purchase of a PIXEM 2 robot or pack until January 31!
a PIXEM 2 robot, a watch with a silicon wristband, 3 micro-beacons with their small tripods, a multi cable to control SONY cameras (other models available on the online store), a smartphone/tablet holder, batteries and chargers with the plugs for your country of delivery.
It's as simple as turning on the power and filming!
Enjoy 10% off on the purchase of a PIXEM 2 robot or pack until January 31!
The pack includes a complete PIXEM 2 robot (with the watch and the 3 beacons) + a tripod LITE.
Enjoy 10% off on the purchase of a PIXEM 2 robot or pack until January 31!
You produce preaching, conferences, online courses, YouTube videos...
Make your videos more dynamic and attractive thanks to the pack PIXEM 2 for SPEAKERS!
No more boring static videos, thanks to the PIXEM 2 robot that follows your movements on stage!
Enjoy a clear and professional recording of your voice with the RØDE microphone
Enjoy 10% off on the purchase of a PIXEM 2 robot or pack until January 31!
The pack includes a complete PIXEM 2 robot (with the watch and the 3 beacons) + a SONY HDR-AX43A camera + a 32 GB microSD card + a tripod LITE.
This pack contains everything you need to film yourself autonomously with the PIXEM 2 robot and a SONY AX43A 4K camera, to send the video with 0 delay to your coach and to be able to talk to him/her live while you're riding.
No subscription required. It works with Skype or FaceTime on a computer installed near the robot and camera.
and receive the latest news, content, promos for video tools for sport and speakers, right in your inbox !